Year End Tax Opportunities For Home Buyers

As the year comes to an end, buying a home can be a great way to make smart financial choices and save on taxes. Find below are some tax tips to help you keep more money.

Holiday Home Security and Safety Tips

Whether you’re heading out to visit family for the holidays or planning a peaceful winter vacation, keeping your home safe while you’re away is important.

What Online Estimates Miss in Valuing Your Home

In today’s online world, people are often tempted to get an online “valuation” of their homes value. Here is what online valuation tools cannot see and why it is good to consult with real estate professional.

When To Consider Making Price Adjustments

Recognizing when to adjust your price and how big of an adjustment to make is essential to selling your home efficiently. Below are key considerations when you start to rethink your asking price.

Can Selling During Winter Actually Net You More?

Many people feel that waiting for the spring market maximizes their return when selling their home. Some sellers net more by selling when there is less competition and mostly serious buyers.

Checklist: Quick Ways To Get Your Home Ready To Sell

Thinking of selling and feeling overwhelmed? Not to worry. Here is a quick checklist to help you focus on the important items first and get your home ready to sell. Have specific questions? I am here to help.

Tips For Keeping Up Curb Appeal in Winter

When selling a home, first impressions matter. During the winter months, maintaining curb appeal can feel like a challenge. But with a few simple steps, you can make your home stand out to potential buyers, even in the colder months.

Preparing An Older Home To Sell

Older homes hold a unique charm that many buyers find irresistible. From their classic architecture to the craftsmanship that’s hard to replicate today, these homes have character that sets them apart. However, selling an older home also brings unique concerns.

What Makes A House Perfect For Remote Work?

When searching for the perfect home as a remote worker, there are unique factors to consider beyond the basics of square footage and location. This guide will help you identify an ideal home that is perfect for remote work.

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